- class pysip.regressors.Regressor(ss, inputs=None, outputs=None, time_scale='s')[source]#
A regressor use a statespace model and a bayesian filter to predict the states of the system given the exogeneous (or boundary) inputs and the initial conditions.
This base class does not have the ability to estimate the parameters of the statespace model : see the derived classes for that.
- Parameters:
ss (StateSpace()) – State-space model
inputs (str or list of str, optional) – Input column names, by default None. If None, they are inferred from the state-space model.
outputs (str or list of str, optional) – Output column names, by default None. If None, they are inferred from the state-space model.
time_scale (str) – Time series frequency, e.g. ‘s’: seconds, ‘D’: days, etc.
- estimate_output(df, x0=None, P0=None, use_outputs=True)[source]#
Estimate the output filtered distribution
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Training data
x0 (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Initial state. If not provided, the initial state is taken from the state-space model defaults.
P0 (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Initial state covariance. If not provided, the initial state covariance is taken from the state-space model defaults.
use_outputs (bool, optional) – Whether to use the data outputs to do the estimation, by default True
- Returns:
Dataset containing the estimated outputs and their covariance
- Return type:
- estimate_states(df, x0=None, P0=None, smooth=False, use_outputs=True)[source]#
Estimate the state filtered/smoothed distribution
- Parameters:
dt (float) – Sampling time
u (array_like, shape (n_u, n_steps)) – Input data
u1 (array_like, shape (n_u, n_steps)) – Forward finite difference of the input data
y (array_like, shape (n_y, n_steps)) – Output data
x0 (array_like, shape (n_x, )) – Initial state mean different from ss.x0
P0 (array_like, shape (n_x, n_x)) – Initial state deviation different from ss.P0
smooth (bool, optional) – Use RTS smoother
- Returns:
Dataset containing the estimated states and their covariance
- Return type:
- eval_residuals(df, x0=None, P0=None)[source]#
Compute the standardized residuals
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Training data
outputs (str or list of str, optional) – Output name(s)
inputs (str or list of str, optional) – Input name(s)
x0 (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Initial state. If not provided, the initial state is taken from the state-space model defaults.
P0 (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Initial state covariance. If not provided, the initial state covariance is taken from the state-space model defaults.
- Returns:
Dataset containing the residuals and their standard deviation
- Return type:
- fit(df, options=None, *, init='fixed', hpd=0.95, jac='3-point', method='BFGS', **minimize_options)[source]#
Estimate the parameters of the state-space model.
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Training data
outputs (str or list of str, optional) – Output name(s)
inputs (str or list of str, optional) – Input name(s)
options (dict, optional, deprecated) – Options for the minimization method. You should use named arguments instead. Usage of this argument will raise a warning and will be removed in the future.
init (str, optional) – Method to initialize the parameters. Options are: - ‘unconstrained’: initialize the parameters in the unconstrained space - ‘prior’: initialize the parameters using the prior distribution - ‘zero’: initialize the parameters to zero - ‘fixed’: initialize the parameters to the fixed values - ‘value’: initialize the parameters to the given values
hpd (float, optional) – Highest posterior density interval. Used only when init=’prior’.
minimize_options (dict, optional) – Options for the minimization method. See scipy.optimize.minimize for details. Compared to the original scipy.optimize.minimize function, the following options are set by default: - method=’BFGS’ - jac=’3-point’ - disp=True - gtol=1e-4
- Return type:
]- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – Dataframe with the estimated parameters, their standard deviation, the p-value of the t-test and penalty values.
pandas.DataFrame – Dataframe with the correlation matrix of the estimated parameters.
dict – Results object from the minimization method. See scipy.optimize.minimize for details.
- log_likelihood(df)[source]#
Evaluate the log-likelihood of the model.
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Data.
outputs (str or list of str, optional) – Outputs name(s). If None, all outputs are used.
inputs (str or list of str, optional) – Inputs name(s). If None, all inputs are used.
pointwise (bool, optional) – Evaluate the log-likelihood pointwise.
- Returns:
Negative log-likelihood or predictive density evaluated point-wise.
- Return type:
float or numpy.ndarray
- log_posterior(df)[source]#
Evaluate the negative log-posterior, defined as
\[-\log p(\theta | y) = -\log p(y | \theta) - \log p(\theta) + \log\]with \(y\) the data, \(\theta\) the parameters, \(p(y | \theta)\) the likelihood, \(p(\theta)\) the prior and \(\log p(\theta | y)\) the log-posterior.
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Training data
- Returns:
log_posterior – The negative log-posterior
- Return type:
- posterior_predictive(df, **kwargs)[source]#
Sample from the posterior predictive distribution
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the inputs and outputs
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the model has not been sampled yet
- predict(df, tnew=None, x0=None, P0=None, smooth=False, use_outputs=True)[source]#
State-space model output prediction
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Training data
tnew (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series, optional) – New time instants
x0 (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Initial state. If not provided, the initial state is taken from the state-space model.
P0 (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Initial state covariance. If not provided, the initial state covariance is taken from the state-space model.
smooth (bool, optional) – If True, the Kalman smoother is used instead of the Kalman filter
use_outputs (bool, optional) – If True, the outputs are used to do the estimation. Default is False.
- Returns:
Dataset containing the predicted outputs and their covariance
- Return type:
- prepare_data(df, with_outputs=True)[source]#
Prepare data for training
- Parameters:
df (pd.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the data
with_outputs (bool, optional) – Whether to return the outputs, by default True
- Return type:
]- Returns:
DataFrame – time steps
DataFrame – input data
DataFrame – derivative of input data
DataFrame – output data (filled with NaNs if with_outputs=False)
- prior_predictive(df, samples=1000, **kwargs)[source]#
Sample from the prior predictive distribution
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the inputs and outputs
samples (int, optional) – Number of samples, by default 1000
- Returns:
Dataset containing the simulated outputs
- Return type:
- sample(df, draws=1000, tune=500, chains=4, **kwargs)[source]#
Sample from the posterior distribution
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the inputs and outputs
draws (int, optional) – Number of samples, by default 1000
tune (int, optional) – Number of tuning samples, by default 500
chains (int, optional) – Number of chains, by default 4
cores (int, optional) – Number of cores, by default cpu_count()
- Returns:
Inference data containing the posterior samples
- Return type:
The number of cores is set to the minimum between the number of cores and the number of chains.
The sample method directly use the pymc3.sample method. See the PyMC3 documentation for more details.
- simulate(df)[source]#
Stochastic simulation of the state-space model
- Parameters:
df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the inputs and outputs
inputs (str or list of str, optional) – Input column names, by default None. If None, the regressor’s inputs attribute is used.
time_scale (str, optional) – Time series frequency, e.g. ‘s’: seconds, ‘D’: days, etc., by default None. If None, the regressor’s time_scale attribute is used.
- Returns:
Dataset containing the simulated outputs and states
- Return type:
Statespace Estimators#
- class pysip.statespace_estimator.KalmanQR(ss)[source]#
Bayesian Filter (Kalman Square Root filter)
- Parameters:
ss (StateSpace) – State space model.
All the method except _proxy_params are jitted by numba, if available. Otherwise, the pure (but slower) python / numpy implementation will be used.
- estimate_output(dt, u, dtu, y, x0=None, P0=None)[source]#
Estimate the output using the state space model and the Kalman filter.
- Parameters:
dt (pd.Series) – Time steps.
u (pd.DataFrame) – Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu (pd.DataFrame) – Time derivative of the output vector.
y (pd.DataFrame) – Measurement (or observation) vector.
x0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
- Returns:
Estimated output in the form of a namedtuple with the following fields:
- x: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
State vector.
- P: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Covariance matrix.
- y: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Output vector.
- y_std: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Standard deviation of the output vector.
- Return type:
- filtering(dt, u, dtu, y, x0=None, P0=None)[source]#
Filter the data using the state space model and the Kalman filter.
- Parameters:
dt (pd.Series) – Time steps.
u (pd.DataFrame) – Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu (pd.DataFrame) – Time derivative of the output vector.
y (pd.DataFrame) – Measurement (or observation) vector.
x0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
- Returns:
Result of the filtering in the form of a namedtuple with the following fields:
- x_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Updated state vector.
- P_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Updated covariance matrix.
- x_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Predicted state vector.
- P_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Predicted covariance matrix.
- k: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Kalman gain.
- S: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, ny]
Innovation covariance matrix.
- Return type:
- log_likelihood(dt, u, dtu, y)[source]#
Compute the log-likelihood of the model.
- Parameters:
dt (pd.Series) – Time steps.
u (pd.DataFrame) – Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu (pd.DataFrame) – Time derivative of the output vector.
y (pd.DataFrame) – Measurement (or observation) vector.
- Returns:
Log-likelihood of the model.
- Return type:
- predict(x, P, u, dtu, dt)[source]#
Predict the state and covariance of the next time step.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – State (or endogeneous) vector.
P (np.ndarray) – Covariance matrix.
u (np.ndarray) – Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu (np.ndarray) – Time derivative of the output vector.
dt (float) – Time step.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
np.ndarray – Predicted state vector.
np.ndarray – Predicted covariance matrix.
- simulate(dt, u, dtu, x0=None, P0=None)[source]#
Simulate the data using the state space model. The Kalman filter is not involved in this process.
The formula reads:
\[y = C x + D u + R \epsilon \ x = A x + B_0 u + B_1 \dot{u} + Q \eta\]where \(\epsilon\) and \(\eta\) are independent white noise with covariance matrices \(R\) and \(Q\) respectively.
- Parameters:
dt (pd.Series) – Time steps.
u (pd.DataFrame) – Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu (pd.DataFrame) – Time derivative of the output vector.
x0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
- Returns:
Simulated data in the form of a namedtuple with the following fields:
- x: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
State vector.
- y: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Output vector.
- Return type:
- smoothing(dt, u, dtu, y, x0=None, P0=None)[source]#
Smooth the data using the state space model and the Kalman filter.
- Parameters:
dt (pd.Series) – Time steps.
u (pd.DataFrame) – Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu (pd.DataFrame) – Time derivative of the output vector.
y (pd.DataFrame) – Measurement (or observation) vector.
x0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
- Returns:
Result of the smoothing in the form of a namedtuple with the following fields:
- x_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Updated state vector.
- P_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Updated covariance matrix.
- x_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Predicted state vector.
- P_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Predicted covariance matrix.
- x_smooth: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Smoothed state vector.
- P_smooth: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Smoothed covariance matrix.
- k: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Kalman gain.
- S: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, ny]
Innovation covariance matrix.
- Return type:
- update(x, P, u, y)[source]#
Update the state and covariance of the current time step.
Note that this function will not update the statespace model to ensure the consistency with the model parameters : to do so, use the method.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – State (or endogeneous) vector.
P (np.ndarray) – Covariance matrix.
u (np.ndarray) – Output (or exogeneous) vector.
y (np.ndarray) – Measurement (or observation) vector.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
x (np.ndarray) – State (or endogeneous) vector.
P (np.ndarray) – Covariance matrix.
Parameters and Priors#
- class pysip.params.Parameter(name, value=None, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(None, None), transform='auto', prior=None)[source]#
A Parameter has a value in the constrained space θ and in the unconstrained space η. See the documentation of the class for more details on the different transformations.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Parameter name
value (float) – Parameter value
loc (float) – Location value
scale (float) – Scaling value
transform (str | ParameterTransform) – Bijections transform θ -> η and untransform η -> θ
bounds (tuple) – Parameters bounds
prior (rv_continuous) – Prior distribution, using a scipy.stats distribution object.
- theta#
Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Type:
- theta_sd#
Parameter value in the standardized constrained space θ_sd
- Type:
- eta#
Parameter value in the unconstrained space η
- Type:
- eta_sd#
Parameter value in the standardized unconstrained space η_sd
- Type:
- free#
False if the parameter is fixed
- Type:
- property theta: float#
Returns constrained parameter value θ
- class pysip.params.Parameters(parameters, name='')[source]#
Factory of Parameter instances
- Parameters:
parameters (list) –
- There is three options for instantiating Parameters
parameters is a list of strings corresponding to the parameters names. In this case all the parameters have the default settings
parameters is a list of dictionaries, where the arguments of Parameter can be modified as key-value pairs
parameters is a list of Parameter instances
name (str, optional) – Name of this specific instance, by default “”
- free#
False if the parameter is fixed
- Type:
- names#
List of the parameters names
- Type:
- names_free#
List of the parameters names, only for free parameters
- Type:
- scales#
List of the parameters scales
- Type:
- n_par#
Number of free parameters
- Type:
- theta#
Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Type:
- theta_free#
Parameter value in the constrained space θ, only for free parameters
- Type:
- theta_sd#
Parameter value in the standardized constrained space θ_sd, only for free parameters
- Type:
- theta_jacobian#
Gradient of the transformation from θ to η, only for free parameters
- Type:
- theta_log_jacobian#
Sum of the log of the absolute values of the gradent of the transformation from θ to η for each parameter
- Type:
- eta#
Parameter value in the unconstrained space η
- Type:
- eta_free#
Parameter values in the unconstrained space η, only for free parameters
- Type:
- eta_jacobian#
Jacobian of the transformation from θ to η, only for free parameters
- Type:
- penalty#
Sum of the penalty term for the parameters
- Type:
- prior#
Sum of the logarithm of the prior distribution, only for free parameters with a defined prior.
- Type:
- property d_penalty: List#
Partial derivative of the penalty function
- Parameters:
scaling – Scaling coefficient of the penalty function
- init_parameters(n_init=1, method='unconstrained', hpd=0.95)[source]#
Random initialization of the parameters
- Parameters:
n_init (int, default 1) – Number of random initialization
method (str, default 'unconstrained') –
unconstrained: Uniform draw between [-1, 1] in the uncsontrained
space - prior: Uniform draw from the prior distribution - zero: Set the unconstrained parameters to 0 - fixed: The current parameter values are used - value: Uniform draw between the parameter value +/- 25%
hpd (bool, default False) – Highest Prior Density to draw sample from (True for unimodal distribution)
- Returns:
eta0 – Array of unconstrained parameters, where n_par is the number of free parameters and n_init the number of random initialization
- Return type:
ndarray of shape (n_par, n_init)
- property parameters#
Returns the list of Parameter instance
- prior_init(hpd=None)[source]#
Draw a random sample from the prior distribution for each parameter that have a defined prior.
- Parameters:
hpd (float) – Highest posterior density interval.
- set_parameter(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Change settings of Parameters after instantiation
p_alpha = Parameters([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’], name=’alpha’) p_alpha.set_parameter(‘a’, value=1, transform=’log’)
- property theta: ndarray#
Get the constrained parameter values θ
Parameter transforms
This module contains the different transforms that can be applied to a parameter. The transforms are used to transform a parameter value θ to the unconstrained space η and vice versa. The transforms are used to ensure that the parameters are constrained to a certain range and that the optimization algorithm can find the optimal parameters.
The transforms are defined in the class ParameterTransform. The class has the following abstract attributes / methods:
name: Name of the transform
transform: Transform a parameter value θ to the unconstrained space η
untransform: Transform a parameter value η to the constrained space θ
grad_transform: Gradient of the transform function
grad_untransform: Gradient of the untransform function
The transforms are registered in the Transforms namespace. The namespace is used to get the transform class from the name of the transform.
The following transforms are available:
None: No transform
Fixed: Fixed parameter
Log: Log transform
Lower: Lower bound
Upper: Upper bound
Logit: Logit transform
An auto transform is also available. The auto transform will select the best transform based on the bounds of the parameter.
- class pysip.params.transforms.FixedTransform(bounds)[source]#
Fixed transform, i.e. θ = η, but the parameter is not considered as a random variable.
- class pysip.params.transforms.LogTransform(bounds)[source]#
Log transform, i.e. θ = exp(η)
- grad_penalty(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad_penalty – Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- grad_transform(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the transform function
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the transform function
- Return type:
- grad_untransform(η)[source]#
Gradient of the untransform function
- Parameters:
η (float) – Parameter value in the unconstrained space η
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the untransform function
- Return type:
- penalty(θ)[source]#
Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
penalty – Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- class pysip.params.transforms.LogitTransform(bounds)[source]#
Logit transform, i.e. θ = a + (b - a) / (1 + exp(-η)), where a and b are the lower and upper bounds, respectively .
- grad_penalty(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad_penalty – Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- grad_transform(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the transform function
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the transform function
- Return type:
- grad_untransform(η)[source]#
Gradient of the untransform function
- Parameters:
η (float) – Parameter value in the unconstrained space η
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the untransform function
- Return type:
- in_bounds(x)[source]#
Check if the parameter value is in the bounds of the transform
- Parameters:
x (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
in_bounds – True if the parameter value is in the bounds of the transform
- Return type:
- penalty(θ)[source]#
Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
penalty – Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- class pysip.params.transforms.LowerTransform(bounds)[source]#
Lower bound transform, i.e. θ = exp(η) + a, where a is the lower bound
- grad_penalty(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad_penalty – Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- grad_transform(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the transform function
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the transform function
- Return type:
- grad_untransform(η)[source]#
Gradient of the untransform function
- Parameters:
η (float) – Parameter value in the unconstrained space η
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the untransform function
- Return type:
- in_bounds(x)[source]#
Check if the parameter value is in the bounds of the transform
- Parameters:
x (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
in_bounds – True if the parameter value is in the bounds of the transform
- Return type:
- penalty(θ)[source]#
Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
penalty – Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- class pysip.params.transforms.NoneTransform(bounds)[source]#
No transform, i.e. θ = η
- grad_penalty(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad_penalty – Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- grad_transform(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the transform function
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the transform function
- Return type:
- grad_untransform(η)[source]#
Gradient of the untransform function
- Parameters:
η (float) – Parameter value in the unconstrained space η
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the untransform function
- Return type:
- penalty(θ)[source]#
Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
penalty – Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- class pysip.params.transforms.UpperTransform(bounds)[source]#
Upper bound transform, i.e. θ = a - exp(η), where a is the upper bound
- grad_penalty(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad_penalty – Gradient of the penalty function for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- grad_transform(θ)[source]#
Gradient of the transform function
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the transform function
- Return type:
- grad_untransform(η)[source]#
Gradient of the untransform function
- Parameters:
η (float) – Parameter value in the unconstrained space η
- Returns:
grad – Gradient of the untransform function
- Return type:
- in_bounds(x)[source]#
Check if the parameter value is in the bounds of the transform
- Parameters:
x (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
in_bounds – True if the parameter value is in the bounds of the transform
- Return type:
- penalty(θ)[source]#
Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Parameters:
θ (float) – Parameter value in the constrained space θ
- Returns:
penalty – Penalty for the parameter value θ
- Return type:
- pysip.params.transforms.auto_transform(bounds)[source]#
Automatically select a transform based on the bounds
- Parameters:
bounds (tuple) – Lower and upper bounds of the parameter. Both bounds can be None.
- Returns:
transform – Transform that is automatically selected based on the bounds
- Return type:
- class pysip.params.prior.BasePrior[source]#
Prior class template
This contains both the scipy distribution (to compute standard numerical operations) as well as the pymc distribution factory (to be used with the bayesian inference engine).
- logpdf(x)[source]#
Evaluate the logarithm of the probability density function
- Parameters:
x (
) – Quantiles- Return type:
- class pysip.params.prior.Beta(alpha=3.0, beta=3.0)[source]#
Beta prior distribution
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Shape parameter of the beta distribution
beta (float) – Shape parameter of the beta distribution
- class pysip.params.prior.Gamma(alpha=3.0, beta=1.0)[source]#
Gamma prior distribution
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Shape parameter of the gamma distribution
beta (float) – Rate parameter of the gamma distribution
- class pysip.params.prior.InverseGamma(alpha=3.0, beta=1.0)[source]#
Inverse Gamma prior distribution
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Shape parameter of the inverse gamma distribution
beta (float) – Scale parameter of the inverse gamma distribution
- class pysip.params.prior.LogNormal(mu=0.0, sigma=1.0)[source]#
Log Normal prior distribution
- Parameters:
mu (float) – Mean of the log normal distribution
sigma (float) – Standard deviation of the log normal distribution
- class pysip.statespace.StateSpace(parameters=None, hold_order=0, method='mfd', name='')[source]#
Linear Gaussian Continuous-Time State-Space Model
Model Variables#
- discretization(dt)[source]#
Discretization of LTI state-space model. Should be overloaded by subclasses.
- Parameters:
dt (float) – Sampling time
- Returns:
a 4-elements tuple containing - A: Discrete state matrix - B0: Discrete input matrix (zero order hold) - B1: Discrete input matrix (first order hold) - Q: Upper Cholesky factor of the process noise covariance matrix
- Return type:
Tuple[np.ndarray, …]
- get_discrete_ssm(dt)[source]#
Return the updated discrete state-space model
- Parameters:
dt (float) – Sampling time
- Returns:
Discrete state-space model, a 4-elements namedtuple containing - A: Discrete state matrix - B0: Discrete input matrix (zero order hold) - B1: Discrete input matrix (first order hold) - Q: Upper Cholesky factor of the process noise covariance matrix
- Return type:
- prepare_data(df, inputs=None, outputs=None, time_scale='s')[source]#
Prepare data for training
- Parameters:
df (pd.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the data
inputs (Optional[Sequence[str]], optional) – List of input variables, by default None. If None, the inputs defined in the model are used.
outputs (Optional[Sequence[str] or False], optional) – List of output variables, by default None. If None, the outputs defined in the model are used. If False, no output is returned.
- Returns:
DataFrame – time steps
DataFrame – input data
DataFrame – derivative of input data
DataFrame – output data (only if outputs is not False)
- class pysip.statespace.RCModel(parameters=None, hold_order=0, method='mfd', name='', latent_forces='')[source]#
Dynamic thermal model
Model Variables#
- discretization(dt)[source]#
Discretization of RC model
- Parameters:
dt (float) – Sampling time
- Returns:
a 4-elements tuple containing - A: Discrete state matrix - B0: Discrete input matrix (zero order hold) - B1: Discrete input matrix (first order hold) - Q: Upper Cholesky factor of the process noise covariance matrix
- Return type:
Tuple[np.ndarray, …]
- class pysip.statespace.GPModel(parameters=None, hold_order=0, method='mfd', name='')[source]#
Gaussian Process
Model Variables#
- discretization(dt)[source]#
Discretization of the temporal Gaussian Process
- Parameters:
dt (float) – Sampling time
- Returns:
a 4-elements tuple containing - A: Discrete state matrix - B0: Discrete input matrix (zero order hold) - B1: Discrete input matrix (first order hold) - Q: Upper Cholesky factor of the process noise covariance matrix
- Return type:
Tuple[np.ndarray, …]