Source code for pysip.params.parameter

from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple

from pydantic import ConfigDict, confloat, validator
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass

from pysip.params.prior import BasePrior
from .transforms import FixedTransform, ParameterTransform, Transforms, auto_transform

[docs]@dataclass(config=ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)) class Parameter: """A Parameter has a value in the constrained space θ and in the unconstrained space η. See the documentation of the class for more details on the different transformations. Parameters ---------- name : str Parameter name value : float Parameter value loc : float Location value scale : float Scaling value transform : str | ParameterTransform Bijections transform θ -> η and untransform η -> θ bounds : tuple Parameters bounds prior : rv_continuous Prior distribution, using a scipy.stats distribution object. Attributes ---------- theta : float Parameter value in the constrained space θ theta_sd : float Parameter value in the standardized constrained space θ_sd eta : float Parameter value in the unconstrained space η eta_sd : float Parameter value in the standardized unconstrained space η_sd free : bool False if the parameter is fixed """ name: str value: float = None loc: float = 0.0 scale: confloat(gt=0) = 1.0 bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None) transform: ParameterTransform | Literal[ "auto", "fixed", "none", "log", "lower", "upper", "logit" ] = "auto" prior: BasePrior = None @validator("bounds") def _validate_bounds(cls, bounds): lb, ub = bounds if lb is not None and ub is not None and lb >= ub: raise ValueError("`lb` must be lower than `ub`") return bounds @validator("transform") def _validate_transform(cls, transform, values): if isinstance(transform, ParameterTransform): return transform bounds = values.get("bounds") if transform == "auto": return auto_transform(bounds) return Transforms.get(transform)(bounds) def __post_init_post_parse__(self): if self.value is None: self.eta = 0.0 else: self.theta = self.loc + self.scale * self.value if not self.transform.in_bounds(self.value): raise ValueError( f"Initial value {self.value} is out of bounds {self.bounds}" ) @property def theta(self) -> float: """Returns constrained parameter value θ""" return self.loc + self.scale * self.value @theta.setter def theta(self, x): """Set constrained parameter value θ""" self.value = (x - self.loc) / self.scale self._eta = self.transform.transform(self.value) @property def theta_sd(self) -> float: return self.value @theta_sd.setter def theta_sd(self, x): self.value = x self.transform.transform(self.value) @property def eta(self) -> float: return self._eta @eta.setter def eta(self, x): self._eta = x self.value = self.transform.untransform(self._eta) @property def free(self) -> bool: return not isinstance(self.transform, FixedTransform)
[docs] def get_transformed(self): """Do inverse transformation θsd = f^{-1}(η)""" return self.transform.transform(self._eta)
[docs] def get_transform_jacobian(self): """Get the jacobian of η = f(θsd)""" return self.transform.grad_transform(self.value)
[docs] def get_inv_transformed(self): """Do inverse transformation θsd = f^{-1}(η)""" return self.transform.untransform(self._eta)
[docs] def get_inv_transform_jacobian(self) -> float: """Get the jacobian of θsd = f⁻¹(η)""" return self.transform.grad_untransform(self._eta)
[docs] def get_penalty(self) -> float: """Penalty function""" return self.transform.penalty(self.value)
[docs] def get_grad_penalty(self) -> float: """Penalty function""" return self.transform.grad_penalty(self.value)