Two options are available:
Install the package from git main branch:
pip install git+https://github.com/locie/pySIP
Install the package from source:
git clone https://github.com/locie/pySIP
cd pysip
pip install .
Note that these two options need git on your system.
As a first example, we will use the pysip package to estimate the parameters of a simple model from a set of artificial data, generated from a sinusoidal function with additive Gaussian noise.
The model will be a Matern32 kernel.
Data preparation#
First, we have to create the data, and store it in a pandas.DataFrame object.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pysip import Regressor
>>> from pysip.statespace import Matern32
>>> N = 200
>>> t = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
>>> y = np.sin(12 * t) + 0.66 * np.cos(25 * t) + np.random.randn(N) * 0.1
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(index=t, data=y, columns=["y"])
In that simple case, we only have one output variable, and no internal state or input but the package can handle multiple inputs, states and outputs.
Parameters configuration and model initialization#
The parameters are defined as a list of dictionaries, each dictionary containing the following keys:
: the name of the parametervalue
: the initial value of the parameter (optional, default: 0)bounds
: the bounds of the parameter (optional, default: no bounds)scale
(optional): the scale of the parameter (default: 1)transform
: the transformation to apply to the parameter (optional, deduced from the bounds if not provided).prior
: the prior distribution of the parameter (optional, but needed for Bayesian parameter estimation).
Our model needs three parameters: the Matern32 length scale, the Matern32 scale and the noise standard deviation. First, no need to include priors : they are only needed for Bayesian parameter estimation.
>>> par = [
... dict(name="mscale", value=1.11, bounds=(0, None)),
... dict(name="lscale", value=0.15, bounds=(0, None)),
... dict(name="sigv", value=0.1, bounds=(0, None)),
... ]
>>> model = Matern32(par)
Matern32(hold_order=0, method='mfd', name='Matern32')
Model evaluation#
The model, using the provided parameters, can be evaluated using a statespace estimator. The one provided by the package is a (fast) Square root Kalman filter. The Regressor class is used to evaluate the model via that estimator (estimate the state, filter the output or evaluate the state or outputs at in-between time points).
The output and input names are provided at the initialization of the Regressor. Most of the Regressor methods return a xarray.Dataset object : they are a collection of numpy arrays with named dimensions that allow easy plotting and post-processing. More detail are available in the method docstrings (available in the API part of the documentation).
>>> reg = Regressor(model, outputs=["y"])
>>> nofit_estimation = reg.estimate_output(df)
Simple (frequentist) parameter estimation#
We provided a first guess for the parameters. We have seen that the evaluation result is far from the data, as our guess is away from the true parameters. We can now estimate the parameters using the fit method of the Regressor class. This method will use the scipy.optimize.minimize function to find the parameters that minimize the negative log-likelihood of the model given the data. After that, the model (and the regressor)
>>> summary = reg.fit(df)[0]
>>> summary
θ σ(θ) pvalue |g(η)| |dpen(θ)|
mscale 1.041769 1.041769 0.322431 0.000020 9.214196e-17
lscale 0.142355 0.142355 0.322431 0.000020 4.934663e-15
sigv 0.090430 0.090430 0.322431 0.000003 1.222867e-14
>>> fit_estimation = reg.estimate_output(df)
We can see how are the prediction compared to the data
Fit comparison#
The starting values have been chosen to be not too close to the true values, so we can see that the difference between the fit and the initial values.
Bayesian parameter estimation#
For now, we have done what is a frequentist, deterministic parameter estimation. But the package also provides a Bayesian parameter estimation method, using the pymc package. The sample method of the Regressor class will use the pymc package to sample the posterior distribution of the parameters, given the data and the prior parameter distributions.
This allows to estimate the mean value of the parameters, but also to estimate the uncertainty on the parameters fit : instead of a unique value, we will have multiple samples of plausible parameter sets.
First, we add the prior distributions to the parameters configuration. They should be instances of the pysip.params.prior.Prior class, and chosen according to the prior knowledge on the parameters. For example, a uniform distribution is a good choice for a parameter where we have no prior knowledge but their hypothetical bounds. A normal distribution is a good choice for a parameter where we have a prior knowledge on the mean value and the standard deviation.
>>> from pysip.params.prior import Gamma, InverseGamma, Uniform
>>> par = [
... dict(name="mscale", value=5.11, bounds=(0, None), prior=Gamma(4, 4)),
... dict(name="lscale", value=2.15, bounds=(0, None), prior=Uniform(0.01, 5)),
... dict(name="sigv", value=0.3, bounds=(0, None), prior=InverseGamma(3.5, 0.5)),
... ]
>>> model = Matern32(par)
>>> reg = Regressor(model, outputs=["y"])
A Regressor.prior_predictive method is available, to sample the prior distribution of the parameters and evaluate the model with those parameters.
>>> prior_estimation = reg.prior_predictive(df)
Then, the Regressor.sample method will use the pymc package to sample the posterior distribution of the parameters, given the data and the prior. The prior distribution will be updated during the tune phase, and then the posterior distribution will be sampled during the draw phase.
These two phases are controlled by the tune and draw arguments of the Regressor.sample method. These operations can be repeated multiple times using the chains` argument (default: 4). If there is enough cores available, the chains will be run in parallel. The number of cores used can be controlled using the cores argument (default: all available cores).
>>> reg.sample(df)
>>> posterior_estimation = reg.posterior_predictive(df)
After that, the model can be evaluated on the posterior distribution of the parameters, using the Regressor.posterior_predictive method.
All the data from both the prior and posterior predictive evaluations can be be found under the Regressor.trace attribute. It is a arviz.InferenceData, a format used by the arviz package to store the results of Bayesian inference that heavily use the xarray format. You can find more information about the arviz package in the arviz documentation : there is a lot of specialized analysis and plotting method available.
We can plot the posterior distribution of the parameters, and compare it to the prior distribution.
Posterior distribution of the parameters#
We can see that the prior distribution of the parameters is spraded over a large range of values, while the posterior distribution is more concentrated around the true values. This is especially true for the lscale parameter, where we used a uniform prior distribution with a large range of values.
We can also plot the prior and the posterior predictive distribution of the outputs, and compare it to the data.
Posterior predictive distribution of the outputs#
As expected, the prior predictive distribution is far from the data, with a huge standard deviation. The posterior predictive distribution is much closer to the data, with a smaller standard deviation.
The results here are impressive, but this is a toy model fit on an artificial dataset. You can see more complex examples in the cookbook section of the documentation, and have more detail on the internal and the advanced usage of the package the next sections.