Contributor Guidelines#

Contributions are welcome and encouraged! Please follow these guidelines:

  • The package use poetry for dependency management. Please install poetry and run poetry install to install all dependencies. You can run poetry shell to activate the virtual environment.

  • Use dependency groups: for example poetry add <package> --dev to add a development dependency, poetry add <package> to add a runtime dependency. Groups used in the package are dev for development dependencies, tests for test dependencies, and docs for documentation dependencies.

  • Contribution should follow the black code style. You can run black . to automatically format your code.

  • Type annotation is not mandatory, but it is encouraged, especially for public functions.

  • Please add tests for your code. You can run pytest to run all tests.

  • If possible, use semantic commit messages. For example, use feat for new features, fix for bug fixes, docs for documentation updates, refactor for code refactoring, test for test updates, chore for build updates, and ci for CI updates. They will be enforced in the future.

  • Ruff is used for linting. You can run ruff to lint your code and auto-fix some issues.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more details.

Code of Conduct#

This project follows the Contributor Covenant.