PySIP advanced usage and internals#

This part of the documentation focus on what behind the scene of PySIP, to build the intuition of how to use it and how to extend it.

Parameters and Priors#

The Parameter class hold a parameter value with some extra information : name, bounds, prior, scale…

At it’s simplest form, a parameter is just a value and a name (the value is even optional and default to 0.0):

>>> from pysip.params import Parameter
>>> p = Parameter(name="p", value=1.0)
>>> p
Parameter(name='p', value=1.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(None, None), transform=none, prior=None)

As you can see in the parameter representation, there is a lot of extra information you can provide to the parameter. For example, you can specify bounds and scale :

>>> p = Parameter(name="p", value=1.0, bounds=(0.0, 2.0), scale=0.1)
>>> p
Parameter(name='p', value=1.0, loc=0.0, scale=0.1, bounds=(0.0, 2.0), transform=logit, prior=None)

And something really interesting happend here. The transform has been automatically set to logit : this transformation is used to contraint the parameter value to be in the bounds. This lead to the next point : the constrained (eta) parameter space and the unconstrained (theta) parameter space.

Constrained and unconstrained parameter space#

The parameters are defined both in the unconstrained space and the constrained space. The primer correspond to the \(\mathbb{R}`\) space (all the real numbers). At best, the parameter is standardized and lies around 0.0 with a standard deviation of 1.0. Of course, this can be difficult to ensure for unknown parameters.

The later correspond to the space where the parameter is constrained and that are used in the model. For example, a parameter that is constrained to be positive will have a constrained space of \(\mathbb{R}^+\) (all the positive real numbers).

The next section will explain how to define the transform between the two spaces.

Transform and scale#

The transformation between the two spaces is done by a transformation function then is rescaled by the scale parameter.

The transform is automatically set to a NoneTransform transform if no bounds are provided, to a LogTransform if the lower bound is 0.0 and to a UpperTransform (resp. LowerTransform) if the upper (resp lower) bound is set.


The user can also provide a transform to the parameter : in that case, the bound could not be enforced depending on the transform ! Up to the user to be consistent between the bounds and the transform.

The scale is used to rescale the parameter value in the unconstrained space. It default to 1.0, which means no rescaling is done.

>>> from pysip.params import Parameter
>>> p = Parameter(name="p", value=1.0, scale=0.1)
>>> p.theta, p.eta # theta is the unconstrained space, eta the constrained one
(0.2, 2.0)

Why all this fuss about the constrained and unconstrained space ? Thanks to that, the optimization algorithm can work in the unconstrained space, which is much more easier to optimize and will naturally respect the bounds in the constrained space instead of relying on a penalty function or using specialized algorithms.

The transforms API documentation will give you more information about the available transforms and their mathematical formulation.

In an alternative way, the penalty attribute can be used to define a penalty function that will be used to penalize the parameter value if it is out of bounds.

As an example of implementation, see :

from pysip.params.transforms import ParameterTransform, register_transform

class LogTransform(ParameterTransform):
    """Log transform, i.e. θ = exp(η)"""

    name = "log"

    def transform(self, θ: float) -> float:
        return np.log(θ)

    def untransform(self, η: float) -> float:
        return np.exp(η)

    def grad_transform(self, θ: float) -> float:
        return 1.0 / θ

    def grad_untransform(self, η: float) -> float:
        return np.exp(η)

    def penalty(self, θ: float) -> float:
        return 1e-12 / (θ - 1e-12)

    def grad_penalty(self, θ: float) -> float:
        return -1e-12 / (θ - 1e-12) ** 2

You can follow this template to implement your own transform. using the @register_transform will automatically register the transform in the transform registry, and make the transform available in the pysip.params.Parameter class.


The prior is a probability distribution that is used by the bayesian inference as the prior knowledge about the parameter. It is used to compute the posterior probability distribution of the parameter by updating this prior knowledge with the likelihood of statespace estimator.


The prior is defined in the constrained space. It will not be concerned by the transformation nor the scaling.

Good prior is heavily dependant on the problem at hand and expert knowledge. It can be a uniform distribution between bounds if no prior knowledge is available, or a gaussian around a value if the parameter is known to be close to this value for example.

Prior are defined in the priors module. The API documentation will give you more information about the available priors and their mathematical formulation.

They hold both a scipy.stats.rv_continuous as well as a pymc.distributions.Continuous, used for the frequentist and bayesian inference respectively. An example of implementation is given here :

from pysip.params.priors import BasePrior, PriorMeta
import pymc as pm
from scipy import stats

class Gamma(BasePrior, metaclass=PriorMeta):
    """Gamma prior distribution

    alpha: float
        Shape parameter of the gamma distribution
    beta: float
        Rate parameter of the gamma distribution

    alpha: float = 3.0
    beta: float = 1.0
    scipy_dist: lambda a, b: stats.gamma(a=a, scale=1.0 / b)
    pymc_dist: pm.Gamma

The scipy_dist attribute is used for the frequentist inference, and the pymc_dist attribute is used for the bayesian inference. They take function that will be called with the parameters of the prior as positional arguments to create the distributions. Usually, you define the parameters to follow one of the implementation and give a proxy to the other one, as in the example above.

Parameters collection and fixed parameters#

Finally, a Parameters collection hold a collection of parameters : it is used to define the parameters of a model, and their values can be updated at once by setting the eta or theta attribute.

>>> parameters = Parameters(
...     [
...         Parameter(name="a", value=1.0, bounds=(0.0, 10.0)),
...         Parameter(name="b", value=3.0, bounds=(0.0, None)),
...         Parameter(name="c", value=2.0, transform="fixed"),
...     ]
... )
>>> parameters.theta = [1, 2, 3]
>>> parameters
Parameter(name='a', value=1.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(0.0, 10.0), transform=logit, prior=None)
Parameter(name='b', value=2.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(0.0, None), transform=log, prior=None)
Parameter(name='c', value=3.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(None, None), transform=fixed, prior=None)
>>> parameters.eta = [2, 1, 5]
>>> parameters
Parameter(name='a', value=8.807970779778824, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(0.0, 10.0), transform=logit, prior=None)
Parameter(name='b', value=2.718281828459045, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(0.0, None), transform=log, prior=None)
Parameter(name='c', value=2.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(None, None), transform=fixed, prior=None)

You may have noticed the “fixed” transform. It is used to define a parameter that are not supposed to be optimized.

That lead to the notion of fixed and free parameters : the later can be updated using the _free suffix: eta_free or theta_free attribute.

>>> parameters.theta_free = [1, 2]
>>> parameters
Parameter(name='a', value=1.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(0.0, 10.0), transform=logit, prior=None)
Parameter(name='b', value=2.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(0.0, None), transform=log, prior=None)
Parameter(name='c', value=2.0, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, bounds=(None, None), transform=fixed, prior=None)


The Statespace class is the base class that define a continuous model in PySIP. The models are defined using a stochastic statespace representation as described here :

\[\begin{split}x_{t+1} = A x_t + B u_t + \mathcal{N}(0, Q)\\ y = C x_t + D u_t + \mathcal{N}(0, R)\end{split}\]

with \(x_t\) the state vector, \(u_t\) the input vector and \(y_t\) the observation vector.

\(A\), \(B\), \(C\) and \(D\) are the state, input, output and feedthrough matrices respectively. \(Q\) and \(R\) are the state and output covariance matrices.

The states are internal to the model and are not accessible to the user. The input vector hold exogenous variables that are known at the time of the prediction. The observation vector hold the output of the model that can be compared to the real output to estimate the parameters.

As the model are defined in the continuous time, the statespace model has to be discretized to be used in the optimization algorithm. The discretization is done using the StateSpace.discretization method, that return discrete matrices that will depend on the local timestep \(\Delta t\). A caching strategy is used to avoid recomputing the discretization matrices at each iteration for constant \(\Delta t\).

Diverse discretization method are available : it usually default to an analytic discretization method if possible, and to a numerical method (MFD) otherwise.

By default, a zoh (zero order hold) discretization is used, but foh (first order hold) is also available.

A large list of models are available in the List of implemented models section.

To implement your model, you have can follow the template below :

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pysip.statespace.base import RCModel

class Ti_RA(RCModel):

    states = [("TEMPERATURE", "xi", "indoor temperature")]

    params = [
        ("THERMAL_RESISTANCE", "R", "between the outdoor and the indoor"),
        ("THERMAL_CAPACITY", "C", "effective overall capacity"),
        ("SOLAR_APERTURE", "A", "effective solar aperture"),
        ("STATE_DEVIATION", "sigw", "of the indoor dynamic"),
        ("MEASURE_DEVIATION", "sigv", "of the indoor temperature measurements"),
        ("INITIAL_MEAN", "x0", "of the infoor temperature"),
        ("INITIAL_DEVIATION", "sigx0", "of the infoor temperature"),

    inputs = [
        ("TEMPERATURE", "To", "outdoor temperature"),
        ("POWER", "Qgh", "solar irradiance"),
        ("POWER", "Qh", "HVAC system heat"),

    outputs = [("TEMPERATURE", "xi", "indoor temperature")]

    def set_constant_continuous_ssm(self):
        self.C[0, 0] = 1.0

    def update_continuous_ssm(self):
        R, C, A, sigw, sigv, x0, sigx0, *_ = self.parameters.theta

        self.A[0, 0] = -1.0 / (C * R)
        self.B[0, :] = [1.0 / (C * R), A / C, 1.0 / C]
        self.Q[0, 0] = sigw
        self.R[0, 0] = sigv
        self.x0[0, 0] = x0
        self.P0[0, 0] = sigx0

in the set_constant_continuous_ssm method, you define the constant part of the continuous matrices. In the update_continuous_ssm method, you define the dynamic part of the continuous matrices that need to be updated at each parameter changes.

Statespace estimator#

The Statespace Estimator is the class that hold the data and the model and that is used to estimate the parameters. In pySIP, a Square Root Kalman filter is used to estimate the states and the parameters.

It is written using numba to speed up the computation as much as possible.

The estimator hold the model (and its parameters) and will use provided data to estimate and predict the states and their covariance. You can have a look at the Statespace Estimators for more detail on the available methods.

Usually, users will not have to use the estimator directly, but will use the pysip.regressors.Regressor class that will handle the estimator and the model for them.


The Regressor class is the main class that is used to estimate the parameters of a model. It hold the statespace, the statespace estimator and give access to both frequentist and bayesian inference methods.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pysip import Regressor
from pysip.statespace import Matern32

N = 50
t = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
y = np.sin(12 * t) + 0.66 * np.cos(25 * t) + np.random.randn(N) * 0.25
df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(t, name="t"), data=y, columns=["y"])

par = [
    dict(name="mscale", value=5.11, bounds=(0, None)),
    dict(name="lscale", value=8.15, bounds=(0, None)),
    dict(name="sigv", value=0.8, bounds=(0, None)),
model = Matern32(par)
reg = Regressor(model, outputs=["y"])

You have to provide the outputs and inputs name that link the statespace model to the data column names.

The regressor will not be heavily described here, as it is already the focus of the Quickstart section and well documented in the Cookbook: pySIP by example section.