Armadillo real world example - Frequentist fit#

In progress

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pysip.regressors import Regressor
from pysip.statespace import TwTi_RoRi
# Load and prepare the data
df = pd.read_csv("../../../../data/armadillo/armadillo_data_H2.csv").set_index("Time")
df.drop(df.index[-1], axis=0, inplace=True)
inputs = ["T_ext", "P_hea"]
outputs = "T_int"
sT = 3600.0 * 24.0
df.index /= sT  # Change time scale to days
# Parameter settings for second order dynamic thermal model
parameters = [
    dict(name="Ro", scale=1e-2, transform="log"),
    dict(name="Ri", scale=1e-3, transform="log"),
    dict(name="Cw", scale=1e7 / sT, transform="log"),
    dict(name="Ci", scale=1e6 / sT, transform="log"),
    dict(name="sigw_w", scale=1e-3 * sT**0.5, transform="log"),
    dict(name="sigw_i", value=0.0, transform="fixed"),
    dict(name="sigv", scale=1e-2, transform="log"),
    dict(name="x0_w", loc=25.0, scale=7.0, transform="none"),
    dict(name="x0_i", value=26.7, transform="fixed"),
    dict(name="sigx0_w", value=0.1, transform="fixed"),
    dict(name="sigx0_i", value=0.1, transform="fixed"),
# Instantiate the model and use the first order hold approximation
model = TwTi_RoRi(parameters, hold_order=1)
reg = Regressor(model, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
fit_summary, corr_matrix, opt_summary =
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -331.057569
         Iterations: 25
         Function evaluations: 510
         Gradient evaluations: 34
θ σ(θ) pvalue |g(η)| |dpen(θ)|
Ro 0.017593 0.000927 0.0 0.000022 3.230694e-17
Ri 0.001984 0.000075 0.0 0.000049 2.539865e-17
Cw 169.597112 7.662583 0.0 0.000023 4.657315e-17
Ci 18.946350 0.771580 0.0 0.000022 3.731826e-17
sigw_w 0.521344 0.046986 0.0 0.000007 3.178810e-17
sigv 0.034325 0.002333 0.0 0.000029 8.487470e-18
x0_w 26.594539 0.130517 0.0 0.000011 0.000000e+00
# Predict the indoor temperature each minute
dt = 60 / 3600
tnew = np.arange(df.index[0], df.index[-1], dt)
ds = reg.predict(df=df, tnew=tnew)
ym = ds["y_mean"].sel(outputs="T_int")
ysd = ds["y_std"].sel(outputs="T_int")
plt.plot(df.index, df["T_int"], color="darkred", label="data")
plt.plot(tnew, ym, color="navy")
    tnew, ym - 2 * ysd, ym + 2 * ysd, color="darkblue", alpha=0.2, label=r"95% CI"
plt.xlabel("time [days]")
plt.ylabel("temperature [°C]")
plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f2fae699250>