from copy import deepcopy
import math
from typing import NamedTuple, Sequence
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .statespace.base import StateSpace
from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
import xarray as xr
#### Models, compatible with the Numba implementation of the Kalman filter ####
class States(NamedTuple):
A: np.ndarray
B0: np.ndarray
B1: np.ndarray
C: np.ndarray
D: np.ndarray
Q: np.ndarray
R: np.ndarray
class KalmanResult(NamedTuple):
x: np.ndarray
P: np.ndarray
k: np.ndarray
S: np.ndarray
def to_xarray(self, idx_name, time, states, outputs):
coords = {
idx_name: time,
"states": states,
"outputs": outputs,
ds = xr.Dataset(
"x": ((idx_name, "states"), self.x[:, :, 0]),
"P": ((idx_name, "states", "states"), self.P),
"k": ((idx_name, "outputs"), self.k[:, :, 0]),
"S": ((idx_name, "outputs", "outputs"), self.S),
return ds
def _allocate_kalman_res(n_timesteps, nx, ny):
return KalmanResult(
np.empty((n_timesteps, nx, 1)),
np.empty((n_timesteps, nx, nx)),
np.empty((n_timesteps, ny, 1)),
np.empty((n_timesteps, ny, ny)),
def _pack_kalman_res(res, i, value):
) = value
class SimulationResults(NamedTuple):
y: np.ndarray
x: np.ndarray
def to_xarray(self, idx_name, time, states, outputs):
coords = {
idx_name: time,
"states": states,
"outputs": outputs,
ds = xr.Dataset(
"x": ((idx_name, "states"), self.x[:, :, 0]),
"y": ((idx_name, "outputs"), self.y[:, :, 0]),
return ds
def _allocate_simulation_res(n_timesteps, nx, ny):
return SimulationResults(
np.empty((n_timesteps, ny, 1)),
np.empty((n_timesteps, nx, 1)),
def _pack_simulate(res, i, value):
res.y[i], res.x[i] = value
class OutputEstimateResult(NamedTuple):
y: np.ndarray
y_std: np.ndarray
def to_xarray(self, idx_name, time, states, outputs):
coords = {
idx_name: time,
"states": states,
"outputs": outputs,
ds = xr.Dataset(
"y": ((idx_name, "outputs"), self.y[:, :, 0]),
"y_std": ((idx_name, "outputs"), self.y_std[:, :, 0]),
return ds
def _pack_output_res(res, i, value):
res.y[i], res.y_std[i] = value
def _allocate_output_res(n_timestep, ny):
return OutputEstimateResult(
np.empty((n_timestep, ny, 1)),
np.empty((n_timestep, ny, 1)),
#### Pure python / numpy implementation of the Kalman filter ####
# they are not efficient par their own, and are therefore jitted by numba
def _solve_triu_inplace(A, b):
for i in range(b.shape[0]):
b[i] = (b[i] - A[i, i + 1 :] @ b[i + 1 :]) / A[i, i]
return b
def _update(
C, D, R, x, P, u, y, _Arru
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
ny, _ = C.shape
_Arru[:ny, :ny] = R
_Arru[ny:, :ny] = P @ C.T
_Arru[ny:, ny:] = P
_, r_fact = np.linalg.qr(_Arru)
S = r_fact[:ny, :ny]
if ny == 1:
k = (y - C @ x - D @ u) / S[0, 0]
x = x + r_fact[:1, 1:].T * k
k = _solve_triu_inplace(S, y - C @ x - D @ u)
x = x + r_fact[:ny, ny:].T @ k
P = r_fact[ny:, ny:]
return x, P, k, S
def _predict(A, B0, B1, Q, x, P, u, dtu) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
_, r = np.linalg.qr(np.vstack((P @ A.T, Q)))
x = A @ x + B0 @ u + B1 @ dtu
return x, r
def _kalman_step(
x, P, u, dtu, y, states, _Arru
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
if ~np.isnan(y).any():
x_up, P_up, k, S = _update(states.C, states.D, states.R, x, P, u, y, _Arru)
x_up, P_up = x, P
k = np.full((states.C.shape[0], 1), np.nan)
S = np.full((states.C.shape[0], states.C.shape[0]), np.nan)
x_pred, P_pred = _predict(
states.A, states.B0, states.B1, states.Q, x_up, P_up, u, dtu
return x_up, P_up, k, S, x_pred, P_pred
def _unpack_states(states, i) -> States:
return States(
states.A[:, :, i],
states.B0[:, :, i],
states.B1[:, :, i],
states.Q[:, :, i],
def _log_likelihood(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states) -> float:
x = x0
P = P0
n_timesteps = y.shape[0]
ny, nx = states.C.shape
dtype = states.A.dtype
_Arru = np.zeros((nx + ny, nx + ny), dtype=dtype)
log_likelihood = 0.5 * n_timesteps * math.log(2.0 * math.pi)
for i in range(n_timesteps):
y_i = np.ascontiguousarray(y)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
u_i = np.ascontiguousarray(u)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
dtu_i = np.ascontiguousarray(dtu)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
states_i = _unpack_states(states, i)
if ~np.isnan(y_i).any():
x, P, k, S = _update(
states_i.C, states_i.D, states_i.R, x, P, u_i, y_i, _Arru
if ny == 1:
Si = S[0, 0]
log_likelihood += (
math.log(abs(Si.real) + abs(Si.imag)) + 0.5 * k[0, 0] ** 2
log_likelihood += np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1] + 0.5 * (k.T @ k)[0, 0]
x, P = _predict(
states_i.A, states_i.B0, states_i.B1, states_i.Q, x, P, u_i, dtu_i
return log_likelihood
def _filtering(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states) -> KalmanResult:
x = x0
P = P0
n_timesteps = y.shape[0]
ny, nx = states.C.shape
dtype = states.A.dtype
_Arru = np.zeros((nx + ny, nx + ny), dtype=dtype)
res = _allocate_kalman_res(n_timesteps, nx, ny)
for i in range(n_timesteps):
y_i = np.ascontiguousarray(y)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
u_i = np.ascontiguousarray(u)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
dtu_i = np.ascontiguousarray(dtu)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
states_i = _unpack_states(states, i)
x_up, P_up, k, S, x, P = _kalman_step(x, P, u_i, dtu_i, y_i, states_i, _Arru)
_pack_kalman_res(res, i, (x_up, P_up.T @ P_up, k, S))
return res
def _smoothing(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
x = x0
P = P0
n_timesteps = y.shape[0]
ny, nx = states.C.shape
dtype = states.A.dtype
_Arru = np.zeros((nx + ny, nx + ny), dtype=dtype)
xp = np.empty((n_timesteps, nx, 1), dtype=dtype)
Pp = np.empty((n_timesteps, nx, nx), dtype=dtype)
res = _allocate_kalman_res(n_timesteps, nx, ny)
for i in range(n_timesteps):
y_i = np.ascontiguousarray(y)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
u_i = np.ascontiguousarray(u)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
dtu_i = np.ascontiguousarray(dtu)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
states_i = _unpack_states(states, i)
xp[i] = x
Pp[i] = P.T @ P
x_up, P_up, k, S, x, P = _kalman_step(x, P, u_i, dtu_i, y_i, states_i, _Arru)
_pack_kalman_res(res, i, (x_up, P_up.T @ P_up, k, S))
for i in range(n_timesteps - 2, -1, -1):
G = np.linalg.solve(Pp[i + 1], states.A[:, :, i] @ res.P[i]).T
res.x[i, :, :] += G @ (res.x[i + 1, :, :] - xp[i + 1, :, :])
res.P[i, :, :] += G @ (res.P[i + 1, :, :] - Pp[i + 1, :, :]) @ G.T
return res
def _simulate(x0, u, dtu, states) -> SimulationResults:
x = x0
n_timesteps = u.shape[0]
ny, nx = states.C.shape
res = _allocate_simulation_res(n_timesteps, nx, ny)
for i in range(n_timesteps):
u_i = np.ascontiguousarray(u)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
dtu_i = np.ascontiguousarray(dtu)[i].reshape(-1, 1)
states_i = _unpack_states(states, i)
y = states_i.C @ x - states_i.D @ u_i
x = (
states_i.A @ x
+ states_i.B0 @ u_i
+ states_i.B1 @ dtu_i
+ states_i.Q @ np.random.randn(nx, 1)
_pack_simulate(res, i, (y, x))
# add noise to the output
res.y += states.R @ np.random.randn(n_timesteps, ny, 1)
return res
def _estimate_output(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states) -> OutputEstimateResult:
n_timesteps = y.shape[0]
ny = states.C.shape[0]
res_filter = _filtering(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states)
output_res = _allocate_output_res(n_timesteps, ny)
for i in range(n_timesteps):
x = res_filter.x[i]
P = res_filter.P[i]
states_i = _unpack_states(states, i)
output_res.y[i] = states_i.C @ x - states_i.D @ u[i]
output_res.y_std[i] = np.sqrt(states_i.C @ P @ states_i.C.T) + states_i.R
return output_res
# All above will be jitted by numba, if available. Otherwise, the pure python / numpy
# implementation will be used.
from numba import jit_module
jit_module(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True)
except ImportError:
warnings.warn("Numba not installed, using pure python implementation")
class KalmanQR:
"""Bayesian Filter (Kalman Square Root filter)
ss : StateSpace
State space model.
All the method except _proxy_params are jitted by numba, if available. Otherwise,
the pure (but slower) python / numpy implementation will be used.
ss: StateSpace
def _proxy_params(
dt: pd.Series,
vars: Sequence[pd.DataFrame],
x0: np.ndarray | None = None,
P0: np.ndarray | None = None,
ss =
dts, idx = np.unique(dt, return_inverse=True)
A = np.zeros((ss.nx, ss.nx, dt.size))
B0 = np.zeros((ss.nx,, dt.size))
B1 = np.zeros((ss.nx,, dt.size))
Q = np.zeros((ss.nx, ss.nx, dt.size))
Ai, B0i, B1i, Qi = map(np.dstack, zip(*map(ss.discretization, dts)))
A[:] = Ai[:, :, idx]
B0[:] = B0i[:, :, idx]
B1[:] = B1i[:, :, idx]
Q[:] = Qi[:, :, idx]
vars = [var.to_numpy() for var in vars]
states = States(A, B0, B1, ss.C, ss.D, Q, ss.R)
x0 = x0 if x0 is not None else ss.x0
P0 = P0 if P0 is not None else ss.P0
return tuple([x0, P0, *vars, states])
[docs] def update(
x: np.ndarray,
P: np.ndarray,
u: np.ndarray,
y: np.ndarray,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Update the state and covariance of the current time step.
Note that this function will not update the statespace model to ensure the
consistency with the model parameters : to do so, use the ``
x : np.ndarray
State (or endogeneous) vector.
P : np.ndarray
Covariance matrix.
u : np.ndarray
Output (or exogeneous) vector.
y : np.ndarray
Measurement (or observation) vector.
x : np.ndarray
State (or endogeneous) vector.
P : np.ndarray
Covariance matrix.
x, P = deepcopy(x), deepcopy(P)
nx =
ny =
C =
D =
R =
_Arru = np.zeros((nx + ny, nx + ny))
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
return _update(C, D, R, x, P, u, y, _Arru)
[docs] def predict(
x: np.ndarray,
P: np.ndarray,
u: np.ndarray,
dtu: np.ndarray,
dt: float,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Predict the state and covariance of the next time step.
x : np.ndarray
State (or endogeneous) vector.
P : np.ndarray
Covariance matrix.
u : np.ndarray
Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu : np.ndarray
Time derivative of the output vector.
dt : float
Time step.
Predicted state vector.
Predicted covariance matrix.
x, P = deepcopy(x), deepcopy(P)
A, B0, B1, Q =
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
return _predict(A, B0, B1, Q, x, P, u, dtu)
[docs] def log_likelihood(
dt: pd.Series,
u: pd.DataFrame,
dtu: pd.DataFrame,
y: pd.DataFrame,
) -> float:
"""Compute the log-likelihood of the model.
dt : pd.Series
Time steps.
u : pd.DataFrame
Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu : pd.DataFrame
Time derivative of the output vector.
y : pd.DataFrame
Measurement (or observation) vector.
Log-likelihood of the model.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states = self._proxy_params(dt, (u, dtu, y))
return _log_likelihood(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states)
[docs] def filtering(
dt: pd.Series,
u: pd.DataFrame,
dtu: pd.DataFrame,
y: pd.DataFrame,
x0: np.ndarray | None = None,
P0: np.ndarray | None = None,
) -> KalmanResult:
"""Filter the data using the state space model and the Kalman filter.
dt : pd.Series
Time steps.
u : pd.DataFrame
Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu : pd.DataFrame
Time derivative of the output vector.
y : pd.DataFrame
Measurement (or observation) vector.
x0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector
provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance
matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
Result of the filtering in the form of a namedtuple with the following
- x_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Updated state vector.
- P_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Updated covariance matrix.
- x_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Predicted state vector.
- P_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Predicted covariance matrix.
- k: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Kalman gain.
- S: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, ny]
Innovation covariance matrix.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states = self._proxy_params(dt, (u, dtu, y), x0, P0)
return _filtering(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states)
[docs] def smoothing(
dt: pd.Series,
u: pd.DataFrame,
dtu: pd.DataFrame,
y: pd.DataFrame,
x0: np.ndarray | None = None,
P0: np.ndarray | None = None,
) -> KalmanResult:
"""Smooth the data using the state space model and the Kalman filter.
dt : pd.Series
Time steps.
u : pd.DataFrame
Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu : pd.DataFrame
Time derivative of the output vector.
y : pd.DataFrame
Measurement (or observation) vector.
x0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector
provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance
matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
Result of the smoothing in the form of a namedtuple with the following
- x_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Updated state vector.
- P_update: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Updated covariance matrix.
- x_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Predicted state vector.
- P_predict: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Predicted covariance matrix.
- x_smooth: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
Smoothed state vector.
- P_smooth: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Smoothed covariance matrix.
- k: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Kalman gain.
- S: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, ny]
Innovation covariance matrix.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states = self._proxy_params(dt, (u, dtu, y), x0, P0)
return _smoothing(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states)
[docs] def simulate(
dt: pd.Series,
u: pd.DataFrame,
dtu: pd.DataFrame,
x0: np.ndarray | None = None,
P0: np.ndarray | None = None,
) -> SimulationResults:
""" Simulate the data using the state space model. The Kalman filter is not
involved in this process.
The formula reads:
.. math::
y = C x + D u + R \epsilon \\
x = A x + B_0 u + B_1 \dot{u} + Q \eta
where :math:`\epsilon` and :math:`\eta` are independent white noise with
covariance matrices :math:`R` and :math:`Q` respectively.
dt : pd.Series
Time steps.
u : pd.DataFrame
Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu : pd.DataFrame
Time derivative of the output vector.
x0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector
provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance
matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
Simulated data in the form of a namedtuple with the following fields:
- x: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
State vector.
- y: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Output vector.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
x0, _, u, dtu, states = self._proxy_params(dt, (u, dtu), x0, P0)
return _simulate(x0, u, dtu, states)
[docs] def estimate_output(
dt: pd.Series,
u: pd.DataFrame,
dtu: pd.DataFrame,
y: pd.DataFrame,
x0: np.ndarray | None = None,
P0: np.ndarray | None = None,
) -> OutputEstimateResult:
"""Estimate the output using the state space model and the Kalman filter.
dt : pd.Series
Time steps.
u : pd.DataFrame
Output (or exogeneous) vector.
dtu : pd.DataFrame
Time derivative of the output vector.
y : pd.DataFrame
Measurement (or observation) vector.
x0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial state vector, by default None. If None, the initial state vector
provided by the statespace model is used.
P0 : np.ndarray, optional
Initial covariance matrix, by default None. If None, the initial covariance
matrix provided by the statespace model is used.
Estimated output in the form of a namedtuple with the following fields:
- x: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, 1]
State vector.
- P: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, nx, nx]
Covariance matrix.
- y: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Output vector.
- y_std: np.ndarray[n_timesteps, ny, 1]
Standard deviation of the output vector.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states = self._proxy_params(dt, (u, dtu, y), x0, P0)
return _estimate_output(x0, P0, u, dtu, y, states)