Source code for pysip.statespace.thermal_network.twtitb_rorirbawaicv

from dataclasses import dataclass

from ..base import RCModel

[docs]@dataclass class TwTiTb_RoRiRbAwAicv(RCModel): """Third order RC model""" states = [ ("TEMPERATURE", "xw", "envelope temperature"), ("TEMPERATURE", "xi", "indoor temperature"), ("TEMPERATURE", "xb", "boundary wall temperature"), ] params = [ ("THERMAL_RESISTANCE", "Ro", "between the outdoor and the envelope"), ("THERMAL_RESISTANCE", "Ri", "between the envelope and the indoor"), ("THERMAL_RESISTANCE", "Rb", "between the indoor and the boundary"), ("THERMAL_CAPACITY", "Cw", "of the envelope"), ("THERMAL_CAPACITY", "Ci", "of the indoor"), ("THERMAL_CAPACITY", "Cb", "of the wall between the indoor and the boundary"), ("SOLAR_APERTURE", "Aw", "of the envelope"), ("SOLAR_APERTURE", "Ai", "of the windows"), ("COEFFICIENT", "cv", "scaling of the heat from the ventilation"), ("STATE_DEVIATION", "sigw_w", "of the envelope dynamic"), ("STATE_DEVIATION", "sigw_i", "of the indoor dynamic"), ("STATE_DEVIATION", "sigw_b", "of the boundary wall dynamic"), ("MEASURE_DEVIATION", "sigv", "of the indoor temperature measurements"), ("INITIAL_MEAN", "x0_w", "of the envelope temperature"), ("INITIAL_MEAN", "x0_i", "of the infoor temperature"), ("INITIAL_MEAN", "x0_b", "of the boundary wall temperature"), ("INITIAL_DEVIATION", "sigx0_w", "of the envelope temperature"), ("INITIAL_DEVIATION", "sigx0_i", "of the infoor temperature"), ("INITIAL_DEVIATION", "sigx0_b", "of the boundary wall temperature"), ] inputs = [ ("TEMPERATURE", "To", "outdoor temperature"), ("TEMPERATURE", "Tb", "boundary temperature"), ("POWER", "Qgh", "solar irradiance"), ("POWER", "Qh", "HVAC system heat"), ("POWER", "Qv", "heat from the ventilation system"), ] outputs = [("TEMPERATURE", "xi", "indoor temperature")] def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() def set_constant_continuous_ssm(self): self.C[0, 1] = 1.0 def update_continuous_ssm(self): ( Ro, Ri, Rb, Cw, Ci, Cb, Aw, Ai, cv, sigw_w, sigw_i, sigw_b, sigv, x0_w, x0_i, x0_b, sigx0_w, sigx0_i, sigx0_b, *_, ) = self.parameters.theta self.A[:] = [ [-(Ro + Ri) / (Cw * Ri * Ro), 1.0 / (Cw * Ri), 0.0], [1.0 / (Ci * Ri), -(Rb + 2.0 * Ri) / (Ci * Rb * Ri), 2.0 / (Ci * Rb)], [0.0, 2.0 / (Cb * Rb), -4.0 / (Cb * Rb)], ] self.B[:] = [ [1.0 / (Cw * Ro), 0.0, Aw / Cw, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, Ai / Ci, 1.0 / Ci, cv / Ci], [0.0, 2.0 / (Cb * Rb), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ] self.Q[self._diag] = [sigw_w, sigw_i, sigw_b] self.R[0, 0] = sigv self.x0[:, 0] = [x0_w, x0_i, x0_b] self.P0[self._diag] = [sigx0_w, sigx0_i, sigx0_b]