Source code for pysip.statespace.gaussian_process.matern

from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np

from pysip.utils.math import nearest_cholesky

from ..base import GPModel

[docs]@dataclass class Matern12(GPModel): """Matérn covariance function with smoothness parameter = 1/2""" states = [("ANY", "f(t)", "stochastic process")] params = [ ("MAGNITUDE_SCALE", "mscale", "control the overall variance of the function"), ("LENGTH_SCALE", "lscale", "control the smoothness of the function"), ("MEASURE_DEVIATION", "sigv", "measurement standard deviation"), ] inputs = [] outputs = [("ANY", "f(t)", "stochastic process")] def set_constant_continuous_ssm(self): self.C[0, 0] = 1.0 def update_continuous_ssm(self): mscale, lscale, sigv, *_ = self.parameters.theta self.A[:] = -1.0 / lscale self.Q[:] = 2.0**0.5 * mscale / lscale**0.5 self.R[:] = sigv self.P0[:] = mscale
[docs]@dataclass class Matern32(GPModel): """Matérn covariance function with smoothness parameter = 3/2""" states = [ ("ANY", "f(t)", "stochastic process"), ("ANY", "df(t)/dt", "derivative stochastic process"), ] params = [ ("MAGNITUDE_SCALE", "mscale", "control the overall variance of the function"), ("LENGTH_SCALE", "lscale", "control the smoothness of the function"), ("MEASURE_DEVIATION", "sigv", "measurement standard deviation"), ] inputs = [] outputs = [("ANY", "f(t)", "stochastic process")] def set_constant_continuous_ssm(self): self.A[0, 1] = 1.0 self.C[0, 0] = 1.0 def update_continuous_ssm(self): mscale, lscale, sigv, *_ = self.parameters.theta self.A[1, :] = [-3.0 / lscale**2, -2.0 * 3.0**0.5 / lscale] self.Q[1, 1] = 2.0 * 3.0**0.75 * mscale / lscale**1.5 self.R[0, 0] = sigv self.P0[self._diag] = [mscale, 3.0**0.5 * mscale / lscale] def _lti_disc(self, dt): mscale, lscale, *_ = self.parameters.theta lda = 3**0.5 / lscale _exp = np.exp(-dt * lda) Ad = np.array( [ [(1.0 + dt * lda) * _exp, dt * _exp], [-dt * lda**2 * _exp, (1.0 - dt * lda) * _exp], ] ) q00 = mscale**2 * ( 1.0 - (dt**2 * lda**2 + (1.0 + dt * lda) ** 2) * _exp**2 ) q01 = 2.0 * mscale**2 * dt**2 * lda**3 * _exp**2 q11 = mscale**2 * ( lda**2 - (dt**2 * lda**4 + lda**2 * (1.0 - dt * lda) ** 2) * _exp**2 ) B0d = np.zeros((self.nx, Qd = nearest_cholesky(np.array([[q00, q01], [q01, q11]])) return Ad, B0d, B0d, Qd
[docs]@dataclass class Matern52(GPModel): """Matérn covariance function with smoothness parameter = 5/2""" states = [ ("ANY", "f(t)", "stochastic process"), ("ANY", "df(t)/dt", "derivative stochastic process"), ("ANY", "d²f(t)/d²t", "second derivative stochastic process"), ] params = [ ("MAGNITUDE_SCALE", "mscale", "control the overall variance of the function"), ("LENGTH_SCALE", "lscale", "control the smoothness of the function"), ("MEASURE_DEVIATION", "sigv", "measurement standard deviation"), ] inputs = [] outputs = [("ANY", "f(t)", "stochastic process")] def set_constant_continuous_ssm(self): self.A[0, 1] = 1.0 self.A[1, 2] = 1.0 self.C[0, 0] = 1.0 def update_continuous_ssm(self): mscale, lscale, sigv, *_ = self.parameters.theta self.A[2, :] = [ -(5.0**1.5) / lscale**3, -15.0 / lscale**2, -3.0 * 5.0**0.5 / lscale, ] self.Q[2, 2] = 20.0 * 5.0**0.25 / 3.0**0.5 * mscale / lscale**2.5 self.R[0, 0] = sigv # Upper triangular Cholesky factor self.P0[:] = [ [mscale, 0.0, -5.0 * mscale / (3.0 * lscale**2)], [0, 15**0.5 * mscale / (3.0 * lscale), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 10 * 2**0.5 * mscale / (3.0 * lscale**2)], ]