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Instrumentation is a collective term for measuring instruments used for indicating, measuring and recording physical quantities, and has its origins in the art and science of Scientific instrument-making.

The monitoring standard ?

The COMIS project is found by the French National Agency for the Research (ANR). That's why our monitoring standard is the french national standard defined in the L’instrumentation Des Bâtiments report (Buildings Monitoring report). Otherwise you can used any standard wich defined accuratly the kind of sensors the most used in buildings operation associate with there errors of measurement

Report front page

Most generic sensors

The table below give a list of sensors with their used and their accuracy :

Control and Monitoring control
Sensor Use Accuracy
Pt1000 / Ni1000 Water temperature 0.6°C
Pt1000 / Ni1000 Outdoor temperature 0.6°C
Pt1000 / Ni1000 & HIH4000 Ambiant temperature & Hygrometry 0.6°C & 3.5%
Pt1000 / Ni1000 & HIH4000 (Ambiant temperature & Hygrometry) in Pipe 0.6°C & 3.5%
Ultrasonic / Woltmann Water volume 3%
Impulsion / Turbine Gaz volume 2%
Volumetric oscillating-piston Oil volume 0.6%
Ultrasonic level / Weighing Wood volume Strong
REED / ILS /... Electrical Energy 2.5%
Jet/Ultrasonic/Volumetric & Pt500 Thermal Energy 5%
Anemometers Air speed in pipe 5%
PV cells Sunshine 5%

The list is mostly partial and don't hesitate to contact me if french langage is a barrier for you. In addition, the accuracy of sensors is given in a raw value but most of the accuracy sensors are relative to a temperature, volume or size, ... To obatain a more precise error formula, please refer to the (COSTIC 2015) report

In order to implement quickly as possible the sensors required for the commissionning phase a database was created. For more details on how to use this tool, you can going on the dedicated section.

Reference :

Costic. 2015. L’instrumentation Des Bâtiments. ADEME créadequat. Guide pratique.